Customer Services CV and career advice

We all know how daunting it can be, when you decide to piece together or update your Customer Services CV.
There are a lot of elements to go through during this process but hopefully, after reading this article on CV preparation advice and following the pointers below, the task should be a little less laborious and more manageable!
1. Your contact details
Your contact details should be clear and concise. Include your name, email and a contact phone number. You can even link to your LinkedIn profile.
2. Your personal profile
It should be clear from the beginning of your CV that you are a committed to furthering your career in customer services or building upon the experience you have.
The personal profile section of your CV should be near the top of the document and it is the ideal section for you to articulate your goals and key attributes in this area of Business Support.
3. Education and qualifications
This area should contain a list of all completed educational information as well as any Customer Services or Business Support related courses that you have undertaken throughout your career so far.
4. Work experience and history
This is always the longest part of your CV and will take the most time to complete.
You should always list the most recent job first and include the below:
- The dates that you worked in the company.
- The company name.
- About the company - one line will suffice.
- Bullet point list to explain the responsibilities of your position at the company. If you made any improvements or changes that resulted in saving the company money, resource or benefited the company in any way, then you should include it within this list. Be sure to expand on the key ones in your Customer Services interview.
- Be sure to include any gaps in your work experience. If you were in between jobs, travelling studying - be sure to reference that in your CV
5. Key skills and competencies
Include any skills that are useful to the Customer Services job that you are applying for.
Usually, employers want to see your computer skills so if you have an ECDL, or are proficient in the use of a particular system, this is the place to include it.
6. Hobbies and interests
This is optional. It could work in your favour by finding a common ground with a potential employer. Just be sure that the hobbies truly reflect your interests. There is nothing worse than being asked about a hobby that you know nothing or very little about. It won't reflect well on you as an applicant!
7. References
We would advise to always keep your references private until you are asked for them by the potential employer.
Bonus: Always proofread - twice!
This final point can not be reiterated enough.
Always make sure you have proofread your CV at least twice and by another person. Sometimes a typo or poor grammar, that would often stare you in the face, can be missed because you are so close you can not see it.
Make good use of spell check and always get someone you trust to proof the CV for you before sending it off.