Employee Wellbeing: 7 Ways You Can Support The…
The traditional office environment has undergone a significant transformation. With the rise of hybrid work models prevalent in many industries, employees are splitting their time between working from home and the office. This newfound flexibility offers a variety of benefits, but it also presents new challenges for employee well-being.
Should I Make A Counter Offer To An Employee?
That sinking feeling when a valued employee resigns hits every employer at some point. It's a domino effect—disrupted workflows, recruitment costs, and the potential loss of valuable knowledge. In the face of this potential skill gap, a tempting solution arises, the counteroffer. But before throwing money at the problem, it's crucial to understand the implication of retaining talent by offering a counteroffer in the overall employee morale.
What’s the key to maximising engagement and supporting…
"Choose a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life."It’s a quote that we've all heard at some point. But does it hold true in today's modern working world? A happy and engaged workforce is not just a 'nice-to-have' but a 'must-have' for any forward-thinking company.
How to handle an employee’s pay rise request
One of your employees has asked for a pay rise and it’s up to you to respond. But how do you make the right decision?
Boosting your teams’ productivity levels over summer
Summer can be a challenging time to maintain productivity in the workplace. With holidays and the lure of outdoor activities, it's no wonder that employees may find it difficult to stay focused.
Remote project management: Strategies for successful…
According to a recent study, over 30% of workers are either fully remote or hybrid. So, despite efforts to encourage workers to return to offices, there’s no doubt been a shift in attitudes.
What role can empathy play in improving employee…
We examine the role empathy plays in improving employee engagement in this video with Amanda Wildman, Director of Emotionally-i-Fit and our former Head of Learning and Development.
6 Ways to Boost Engagement & Productivity
Here are 6 simple ways you can start boosting your employee engagement and productivity. There are many reasons to make sure your employees feel as valued as your customers.
6 Simple Ways to Develop a Positive Culture
A neglected culture increases turnover rates, decreases employee productivity and reduces your chance of being able to attract the best talent - exactly what you don’t need when your organisation is in the midst of a tricky period. However, there are a few consistences that contribute to establishing a positive and strong workplace culture.
5 key motivators within the workplace
Having motivators for employees is important for any sort of business, at many different angles. Not only does it brand you, as an employer, as the best company to work for, but it also makes your staff motivated, passionate and loyal to your business.
11 Easy Ways To Encourage Remote Team Building
Team building is probably not high up on your list of priorities at the moment. But in tough periods, it’s vital that you look after your workforce. With your teams dispersed across various locations (some may already be back in the office), facilitating remote team building activities is a great way to boost morale and ignite those spontaneous interactions which can decline when you’re not all in the office together.
The Importance Of A Strong Corporate Culture
When a crisis happens and times are tough it can be easy to lose focus on the importance of supporting and growing a strong corporate culture. The vision for the company can become blurred due to sudden change, communication can reduce due to higher workloads, the work environment can become dispersed due to remote working, and individual autonomy can be sacrificed for company-wide decisions.