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How To Build Change Capability In Your Organisation

How To Build Change Capability In Your Organisation
Submitted by Prajila on

In the midst of the impacts of COVID-19, ‘Change’ has never been more relevant. As companies feel the squeeze of slashed budgets, recruitment freezes and scrutiny over spend, they face the prospect of continued change.

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What is Change Capability?

The dilemma many businesses find themselves in is not being able to afford to hire a team of people but also knowing they need someone to help them manage the change within their organisation.

But what does ‘Change Capability’ really mean? To be capable and competent to change?

Yes and no.

When organisations talk about building Change Capability, they are referring to the ability to drive change to employees - using sets of tools, templates and having methodologies and/or change frameworks in place which they can draw upon. 

Banks are known as having a higher level of ‘Change Maturity’ thus meaning they have sophisticated libraries of tools, templates and house a framework across business units and/or centrally. 

This doesn’t mean that the change maturity cross pollinates all areas though. Some pockets of large organisations that would claim to be ‘Change Mature’ may be new to change perhaps because they haven’t had experience with managing projects or transformation previously. And this is why you’re hearing ‘Change Capability’ more frequently, it's because the presence of Transformation is more prevalent across industries nowadays.

Prevalence of Transformation across industries

Transformation is more prevalent nowadays because:

  • New technologies continually emerge
  • Mergers and acquisitions become commonplace
  • Agile is less of a buzzword and more embedded into standard delivery styles (hopefully in appropriate areas)
  • Risk, remediation and regulation continue
  • Automation, AI and data analytics are happening thus potentially impacting operating models and staff

So, irrespective of the size, product or industry of the company, they’re all facing change and thinking about how best to manage it to minimise resistance and create harmony. 

If you’re thinking of bringing in someone to help your company with Change Management then where should you start?


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