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Vanessa Harding-Farrenberg

APAC Head of Performance | Sydney

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Submitted by global_admin on

About Vanessa Harding-Farrenberg

As Joint Managing Director I am responsible for the strategic growth and development of Morgan McKinley Australia.

Specialist Area

Accounting & Finance, Risk Management, Compliance, Project & Change Management, Business Analysis, Strategy, and most recently Innovation and Analytics.

My Advice

Take care and manage your own personal brand the same way the world's leading organisations do. Know what you stand for, where you are going and how you can best position yourself to add value and remain relevant over the longer term. When you are looking for a new role, use every coffee, meeting and interview as an opportunity to further promote your brand. Social media, networking and being an active member of relevant associations can help build your brand across the broader market. Regardless of whether you are interested in the opportunity presented to you, make sure you manage the process professionally and leave all involved with a positive impression. You never know what opportunities might exist in the future.

My Background

Following a successful 9.5 year career with one of Australia's most well recognised recruitment firms I joined Morgan McKinley in the capacity of Joint Managing Director to launch our Australian operations. Since April 2007 we have built a brand synonymous with quality and expertise and developed a team of 30 experienced recruitment professionals who deliver solutions across 5 key specialist areas.

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